
Today I wrote about a video and what it would be like if he was writing an advertising song. Video at the bottom


Storm crow

This week I read a book that is called Storm Crow.I am up to a part where she has to go to a enemies place because she basically got forced to get married to the son of the enemies queen and then they found a Storm Crow egg.( A storm crow is a big crow that can summon Storms.)There were other types of crows but they got killed by the enemies and they also got destroyed by the enemies. They don’t know how to hatch the egg. Also they are making a plan to ally with the other kingdoms to destroy the other kingdom because they are really powerful and they destroyed one of the ally’s kingdom.

Should we keep pets?

This week I read an article about if we should keep pets on kiwi kids news.These are some questions I want you to think about.

1.What would happen if pets weren’t real?

I think if we don’t have pets then people will be less active and will probably be more depressed,unhappy and will probably be mentally sick.

2.What would happen if we didn’t have pets and they were in the wild?

I think that we would probably be more dangerous because there are heaps of pets and they would probably be killing each other.As well as it would not be safe cause people couldn’t walk around they would have have to go in cars because there might be a kid walking to school and there would probably be a pack of viscous dogs around and might kill the kid.

3.If pets could talk would they want people stealing their puppy and not knowing where they are or if they are OK?

I think they might or might not want to keep there puppy’s but if I was a mother I would probably want to keep them.


Wolf ball

This is something I did in class it is when you draw a picture then AI makes it better( The site is called

scribble diffusion)

“Do you want to dance me lady?” “Yes” At twelve O clock “Oh no boo hoo hoo” She runs away

“Wait why did she run away? Oh well. Does any one else want to dance?”

The witches

 The witches 

In a kingdom far away there was a group of old women who lived at the edge of a cliff, and their names were Trinity,Kelly,Loli and Caly but secretly they were witches! And their real names were Trifle,Jelly  Lollipop and Candy. The king and queen hated the old women but one thing they despised more than anything was witches,they hated them! One evening the witches came to the castle to ask for a cauldron for their soup but the queen said “NO!.Of you go PEASANT!” So the witches went to the village and sent a little child to go ask for chickens, While the kid walked up the hill to the castle, the witches got their candy cane brooms and flew up to a window of the castle to see what they said.As the kid walked up he said “Please can I have one chicken for my family for dinner?” The king said “NO.We already give all of you all that we have! We are going to be as poor as you soon!” The kid replied “B b But you aren’t going to be as poor as me cause you have a castle and lots of soldiers and knights and horses!” He stamerd. Then the queen said “Don’t be an ungrateful child.Now be off with you!”.The witches were so fed up with them that they decided to take revenge on the King and Queen so they went to their house and stayed there for three nights and three days and on the third day they came out and had a devious plan. They went to the market and got some lollies and some jelly snakes and a gingerbread man.Then they came back and made a circle of jelly snakes and put the lollies in the middle then they muttered a spell as they did there was a thunderous BOOM! Then a bright light of lightning struck down on to the lollies and then the witches looked down at the lollies.Then there was a slight movement in a lolly snake then a gummy bear stood up then all of them standed up. Then Trifle said “Run my pretties and cause havoc on the castle!Mua Ha Ha HA!”So they ran to the castle and the guards saw them and laughed “Ha ha ha ha” then the gingerbread man got so angry at them that he jumped up and took one of the hats of the guard and the guards said  “Hey!” Then chased after the gingerbread man said “Run run as fast as you can you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man!” While the gingerbread man distracted the guards the little gummy bears and the gummy snakes slithered and walked up to the King and queen and said “Give us your castle and all your gold or else you will regret it!”The King and Queen stared at them then looked at each other and then started howling with laughter “HahahahahaHaHahahaha!!!” The gummy bear said “We are serious!” They just kept laughing. Then one of the gummy snakes said “Okay didn’t say I warned you!Charge!!!” They all started attacking them and then the King said “Aaaa!!! Stop.That tickles please have mercy!.Hahaha I will do anything please!” “Anything?” They said “Anything anything you want!Hahahahaha” said the Queen “Ok then give us your kingdom!” They said “Never!” said the King “Ok then we can just do this forever!Muahahahahaha!!!said the leader of the gummy bears.The Queen said “Okay Okay just take the kingdom! Hahahaha”,“Ok if you want to go then you have to follow these instructions 1.Give me your crowns 2.Go far away and never come back!Do you understand?” Then the King and Queen said “Yes yes!” So the lollies let them go and the King and Queen but there crowns down and ran out of there.The lollies picked up the crowns and gave it to candy and then she said “This will not do!” So she put on a spell that made it into candy.Jelly said “There are only 2 that will not do!” So she put a spell that made it into 4.When the kingdom heard the news they were overjoyed! Because they didn’t like the King and Queen because they were rude to them and the witches were always nice to them.Then Lollipop said “This Kingdom needs a makeover!” So she made all the houses into gingerbread houses and She made everything out of lollies!(Except for everyone and clothes and animals) The trees were lollies too.But there was something missing The kingdom’s name so all 4 witches decided to name The kingdom… The  lolly Kingdom! And they all lived happily ever after eating lollies 

Or did they?…..